Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Video Story Telling - Nov. 4th

Repurposed broadcast script published on the web

It is taking what has been produced for one medium and tailoring it for another. This means not only streaming the newscast online but placing story text versions online or even raw, unedited video of an event.

A "new type of content" used by a broadcast news operation

- Material relating to news events.
- Material reflecting the reporter's or individual's opinion, view, critique, or analysis of an issue or topic.
- Material primarily geared toward promoting the organization "brand" or any of the people working there ("personalities").
- Material designed to involve the public in the news gathering and editing process, such as allowing people to post their own photos during the game.

A VO/SOT, package or live report

- Stress the visual - Television is a visual medium, and regardless of what the reporter wants to emphasize, the pictures generally dominate.
- Stress the moment - The strength of broadcast news has always been the timeliness element - the notion "this just happened."
- Stress the simple - The viewer can only process the information only in the way we present it. The linear presentation has good points but also some constraints. It forces the writer to tell the story as simply as possible.

1 comment:

Dr. Spaulding said...

Good summary of the basics, good examples here.